Progress Report: XII

Rafael Gama
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2018


Hi everyone,

Let me update you about some topics we’ve been spending our time on to get the platform launched:

  • We are preparing our terms of use, conditions and policy documents;
  • We are getting the platform ready to pass a security audit;
  • and last but not least, we have invested quite some time to push our new Staking feature forward. We have analyzed competitors, had loads of meetings and reviewed the UI, always looking for the best possible UX.
It’s not a mess, just work in progress to get to the moon. Photo by Rob Bye on Unsplash

Back to our hangar:

Adding more humanity to our KYC form —We know that this process is long and painful enough that some users quit before completing it (I myself have gone through some KYC forms and quit before the third page). So the fewer clicks and more information, the better right? So we’ve made further KYC form improvements:

  • The Ethereum address-related message was reworded;
  • An autofocus was added in the first form input on step change ;
  • A scroll to the top of the form was added, on the second and third page.

Reviewing some endpoints for better error handling — We have invested seriously in quality assurance; using Browserstack and Sentry has already brought significant improvements, but the quality is never too high.

Teaching how to add a new token on Metamask — As engineers, we were thinking on how to include less tech-savvy people in our platform. This is a challenge that all entrepreneurs are facing in the Blockchain world. In order to have a good adoption on the platform we looked at several solutions then we decided to go through a simple and efficient GIF to teach the users on how to add new tokens on Metamask.

Our goal with this simple task was to avoid any misunderstanding after the user makes a purchase in a token sale and to keep the process transparent.

Fixes to our Betas

We fixed the error "MetaMaskAccountsDiffer" that was breaking the app when a user was not yet registered — This happens when the user is logged but hasn’t registered yet through the KYC.

Speaking of Betas we got three more people on board our testing team, if you’d like to join us then go to, fill out the form and I will contact you by email. We will have a small chat then I will give you access to the demo that is updated after each sprint.

Back to base!

Feel free to reach the Starbase team on:

