STAR 1st Bounty campaign updates

Results, Bot protection and Website updates

Tomoaki Sato


[1st Bounty Campign Result (updated on 29th March, 2017)]

  1. More than +200 new mail magazine subscribers
  2. More than +250 slack joins
  3. Many retweets on

[Bot protection]

The final results of STAR bounty distribution will be done after finished Starbase crowdsale.

Because we want to protect and reward true Starbase supporters. We will eliminate any spam activities and all the obvious misuses, such as multiple accounts, filtering non-relevant content or posts, and other activities similar to the examples below:

We filter non-relevant content or posts, and other activities similar to the examples below:

Example 1: Retweeting or quote tweeting of “Don’t retweet if you are not bot” type tweet on twitter

Example 2: Like, share or comment of “Don’t like, share, or comment if you are not bot” posts on facebook.

Example 3: Mail magazine subscribers which is from one time email service.

Example 4: Slack accounts which is from one time email service.

And more examples will be coming.


We have worked really hard to make these bounties for marketing contributors as simple and easy as possible, so please take your time to read through them.

And Starbase believes, if we can make good bounty campaign with automated bot protection mechanism and provide the campaign system for “Innovative Rockets” who use Starbase, this will be fairly nice also for them.

Stay tuned on our progress on this blog, BitcoinTalk,Twitter and Facebook and thank you for your support.

[New website]
Our website and logo has been renewed! Check out !



Starbase Founder, Crowdfunding/Sourcing platform by using global blockchain tokens.